Ovulation tests & fertility monitors
Ovulation test strips
Sensitivity of ovulation tests:
20miu/ml - High - One Step
30miu/ml - Normal
40miu/ml - Low
Successful fertilisation is most likely during a 24-36 hour period following the L.H. surge. Since this window is only open once a month and for a short period of time, being able to predict the L.H surge is very helpful when trying to become pregnant. One Step ovulations tests are with good price, reliable and sensitive.
Clearblue digital ovulation tests
The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test range is over 99% accurate in detecting the urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) surge that occurs 24-36 hours prior to ovulation.
It's easy to read and easy to test. Detects even very low level hormone.
The test gives you a clear smiley face in the result window when your LH surge has been detected, identifying your 2 best days to try for a baby.
Kogus | Price | |
Digitaalne testihoidja | 6,90 € 6,90 €/Tk | |
1 testipulk | 3,25 € 3,25 €/Tk |
Komplekt 10tk | 35,90 € 3,59 €/Tk |
Komplekt 20tk | 56,90 € 2,85 €/Tk |
Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test (Dual Hormone)
Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test - Typically identifies 4 fertile days, twice as many as any other ovulation test, so increasing your window of opportunity to get pregnant.
Other ovulation tests detect the rise of luteinizing hormone (LH) which occurs 24 - 36 hours prior to ovulation, identifying the 2 best days to get pregnant each cycle.
The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is a breakthrough: not only does it detect the rise in LH, it also monitors the level of another key fertility hormone, estrogen, which increases in the days before the LH surge.
With its unique algorithm, the test adapts to your personal hormone profile, so you are less likely to miss your fertile days. The clear digital display gives you a Clearblue® smiley face when it identifies your best days to get pregnant so you know your body is ready.
If you have ovulation test sticks left after detecting your first LH surge then you can use them with the same test holder to identify your fertile days next cycle, if you're not already pregnant.
Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test works differently to other ovulation tests as it is designed to detect 2 hormones, estrogen and LH. When it detects a rise in your level of estrogen it displays High Fertility (flashing smiley face), and will continue to display High Fertility in the following days whilst it looks for your LH surge. When your LH surge is detected, the test displays Peak Fertility (static smiley face).
Kogus | Price | |
Digitaalne testihoidja | 9,50 € 9,50 €/Tk |
1 testipulk | 2,99 € 3,60 € 3,60 €/Tk |
Komplekt 10tk | 45,50 € 4,55 €/Tk |
Komplekt 20tk | 64,90 € 3,25 €/Tk |
MaybeBaby reusable ovulation tester
The Maybe Baby Reusable Fertility Test is manufactured in Europe under some of the highest standards in the world (ISO 9001:2008).
Re-usable mini-microscope that helps you identify your most fertile days and the ideal time to conceive. It utilizes and measures the link between estrogen and the salt levels in your saliva.
Simple, non-invasive.. Compact unit. Helps pinpoint ovulation 2 to 3 days in advance. Results can be seen in 10 - 15 minutes.
Saves you money each month - No more strips to continually purchase. Just a simple, lipstick sized saliva based tester. Re-useable day after day, month after month.
Compared to other Saliva tester knock offs our tester uses Dual Ground Optics for unbeaten clarity, our optic chamber is permanently sealed to protect from dust and dirt, and it is easy to clean with a small wipe to maintain a clear viewfinder.
David 0-80 miu/ml with LH value display (Color card)
The DAVID One ovulation test is used for the semi-quantitative detection of the LH value in the urine of women. Using a color card, it shows a numerical LH value in the range of 0 - 80 miu/ml (= sensitivity).
Conventional ovulation tests can only show a “positive” or “negative” result and you need a different ovulation test strip for each sensitivity (10 miu/ml, 20 miu/ml, 25 miu/ml…) - unlike the advanced DAVID One Ovulation and fertility test for women.
Ovulation midstream tests
Sensitivity of ovulation tests:
20miu/ml - High (One step ovulations tests)
30miu/ml - Normal
40miu/ml - Low
Successful fertilisation is most likely during a 24-36 hour period following the L.H. surge. Since this window is only open once a month and for a short period of time, being able to predict the L.H surge is very helpful when trying to become pregnant. One Step ovulations tests are with good price reliable and sensitive.
Ovulation cassette tests
Sensitivity of ovulation tests:
20miu/ml - High (One step ovulations tests)
30miu/ml - Normal
40miu/ml - Low
Successful fertilisation is most likely during a 24-36 hour period following the L.H. surge. Since this window is only open once a month and for a short period of time, being able to predict the L.H surge is very helpful when trying to become pregnant. One Step ovulations tests are with good price reliable and sensitive.
Clearblue fertility monitor with touchscreen
The Clearblue Fertility Monitor with Touch Screen helps you maximize your chances of getting pregnant because it is designed to detect your most fertile days. This hand-held, touch screen monitor tracks the changing levels of 2 key fertility hormones in your urine: luteinizing hormone (LH) and estrogen. Using these two hormones, the device can pinpoint your 2 peak fertility days, plus additional high fertility days prior to ovulation
The Clearblue Fertility Monitor with Touch Screen provides your daily fertility status as well as tracking and storing your unique fertility information. It accurately tracks the levels of 2 key fertility hormones to identify the days in each cycle when you are most likely to get pregnant.
Use with Clearblue fertility monitor test sticks (not included)
Monitor works with 2 x AA 1,5v alcaline battery (not included)
User manual
Clearblue Advanced fertility monitor test sticks
Clearblue Advanced Fertility Monitor Refill Test Sticks (24 tests)
Contains 20 ovulation test sticks and 4 pregnancy test sticks which is usually enough to keep you going for up to 2 cycles
The ovulation test sticks are 99% accurate at detecting your surge in luteinising hormone (LH) which occurs round 24-36 hours before ovulation and 99% accurate at detecting pregnancy from the day your period is due
We know how hard it can be waiting to take a pregnancy test, but you can use the pregnancy test sticks with the Clearblue Advanced Fertility Monitor to test for pregnancy from 3 days before your period is due.
Refill sticks work with touchscreen monitor only!