Blood Type Test Kit
It is essential that everyone know their own blood group and that of their family members. There are many occasions when knowing your blood group could be important, for example, if you or a member of your family, required an urgent blood transfusion it would be useful to know your blood group in advance. If it was an uncommon group it would allow the hospital valuable time to ensure adequate supplies.
If you travel overseas carrying a blood group card could prove invaluable. Accidents and other emergencies can often be dealt with more efficiently knowing the blood group of the person or persons involved.
This is a simple test which identifies your blood group easily and accurately.
How accurate is this test?
The test is accurate and will detect the common blood grouping system A,B,O,AB and Rhesus(D). Unusual blood groups or rare sub-types will not be detected by this method. Further investigation by a blood transfusion laboratory will be necessary to identify such groups.
Please note: This test should not be used to determine blood type for transfusion purposes.
Test contents:
- Instruction leaflet
- Blood group test card x 1 (inside foil pouch)
- Blood group result card
- Lancet
- Plastic pipette
- Alcohol swab x 2
- Applicators x 4.
- The card can only be used once
- Do not use this test if the foil pouch has been opened
- Perform test at room temperature